At BWPS our belief is that the classroom teacher is central in the development and enhancement of student wellbeing.
The classroom teacher leads the development of the whole child through explicit teaching of:
- BWPS Health Core Curriculum
- Resilience, Rights & Respectful Relationships resource (Social and Emotional Learning)
- BWPS Three School Rules (Help Others to Be Better, Respect Everyone and Everything and Be Safe and Thoughtful)
- Relationships and Sexuality Education
- Qualities as Learners (Personal and Social, Critical and Creative Thinking, Ethical and Intercultural Capabilities)
The classroom teacher’s explicit teaching is supported by a range of primary and early interventions:
- Student needs are at the centre for all decision making at BWPS
- Working from a strengths based point of view
- Positive relationships with students’ parents/guardians
- Use of Aide effectively
- Significant relationships with others at BWPS (Team Leaders, Assistant Principals, Principal, and other school staff)
- Individualised QALS targets
- Referral to Counsellors/Psychologist/Speech Pathologist and further support agencies
- Individual Learning Plans
- The SAFEMinds N.I.P. strategy
- The BWPS Four Critical Actions for Responding to Incidents, Disclosures and Suspicions of Child Abuse
- Specialist programs
- Extension programs
- Intervention programs
- School Wide encouragement of regular school attendance
- Transition information relates to the whole child (not just academic)
The school has a Wellbeing Team led by the school’s principal team. The team of supports varies dependent upon availability of staff and programs. Any referral to a member of the wellbeing team is made through the principal team.